And Justice For All

How To Find Justice // Amos 5:18-24

This week marks our 6th and final sermon in our And Justice for All series. We've considered the weightiest injustices, what God's word has to say about them, and how we are to respond as his people. In this final sermon, we look toward the day when Christ the King will return and establish justice and righteousness once and for all. What does it mean for us to live in light of this day?

Justice and The Vulnerable // James 1:27

In Week 5 of our And Justice For All series, we consider God's heart for the orphan, the widow, and the enslaved. We live in a world filled with 153 million orphans and 245 million widows, many of whom live in conditions of poverty, without the common protections and provisions of a family. Such vulnerability puts these orphans and widows at risk of one of the most wicked industries in our world today- human trafficking. When we look to the scriptures we see a God who is Father to the Fatherless; one who executes justice for the orphan and widow and calls his people to do likewise. While the need is overwhelming, the gospel of adoption equips the people of God to act on behalf of the orphan, the widow, and the enslaved.

Justice and Poverty // Luke 10:25-37

In Week 4 of our And Justice For All series, we consider what God has to say about poverty. Proverbs 21:13 says, "Whoever closes his ear to the cry of the poor will himself call out and not be answered." This Sunday we will open our ears and discover how God has called and equipped us to love, serve, and bless the poor from a heart transformed by Christ who became poor for us.

Justice and The Unborn // Psalm 139:13-16 & Selected Texts

In Week 3 of our series, we consider the plight of the unborn. Thousands of unborn children are aborted each day in our nation. The politicized language surrounding abortion has tempted Christians to remain silent or passive on what scripture makes clear: God is the Author of life. He knits us together in the womb (Psalm 139:13). So how do we think biblically, speak clearly, and act justly for the sake of the unborn?

Justice and Racism // Ephesians 2:11-22

Racism is a deeply rooted belief that one race is superior to another. In Ephesians 2:11-22, Paul directly addresses this dividing wall of ethnic hostility and shows how the gospel reconciles us to God and one another. As God's people, we oppose racism, seek reconciliation with one another across ethnic divides and celebrate the beautiful diversity of God's kingdom, purchased by the precious blood of Jesus.

What is Justice? // Psalm 146:5-9 & Select Texts

In our first sermon this series, we explored various passages of scripture to gain an understanding of biblical justice. We find that justice is rooted in the character of God, justice is right relationship with others, and justice is required for all believers.