We love jesus & We love Waltham


People often ask — What kind of church is Seven Mile Road? In this video, our pastors answer that question from several different angles. Interested in continuing the conversation? Click the button below.


Seven Mile Road Church is a diverse, gospel-formed family of servant missionaries.

Diverse, Gospel-Formed Family of Servant Missionaries

The gospel forms and shapes who we are and what we do. The grace of God transforms everything. We want to participate in God’s work of making one family from every tribe. The diversity in our city is rapidly increasing and we aim to be a church for anyone that longs to know Jesus. Jesus paid our adoption price with his life and we are adopted into the Family of God. With this adoption comes a new name, a new identity, and a new mission. Like Jesus, we are here not to be served, but to serve. And, just as the Father sent Jesus on a rescue mission to redeem sinners, we live as a sent people. The redeemed are sent out into our city, our neighborhoods, our families, our workplaces, our community to make disciples through the everyday stuff of life to redeem and restore the world around us.

Mission: WHAT WE DO

We make, mature, and multiply disciples in Waltham by providing clear and compelling witness to the real Jesus.

Make, Mature, Multiply Disciples...

Jesus came to this world to seek and save the lost. He came with a clear mission to make disciples. The great commission is what all believers in Jesus are called to. We exist to make disciples -- To see men and women come to know, love, and follow Christ. By mature disciples we mean men and women who have come to see the surpassing worth, beauty, power, and love of Christ, repented of their sin, and are seeking to live all of their lives in the light of His gospel. Multiplication means want to see our neighbors become family not simply one by one, but in droves as God takes our Spirit-Powered, Gospel-Driven, Faith-Fueled Effort and does more than we can possible imagine.

Provide Clear and Compelling Witness to the Real Jesus...

In a world where everyone gets their social platform, there are many competing Jesuses out there. We want to humbly, but boldly provide a clear witness to the Jesus of the Bible as he comes to us, not as we think or feel that he is. We want to show the people of Waltham and beyond the goodness, the truth, and the beauty of Jesus.

Vision: Why we Do It

Our big dream is to saturate Waltham with the Gospel until everyone delights in the truth, goodness, and beauty of Jesus.

Saturate Waltham with the Gospel...

Vision is a picture of what could be with the conviction that it should be. God has given us a vision to see Waltham flooded with thousands of Bostonians adopted into the family of God. We long to see an unmistakable Gospel witness in every neighborhood (Cedarwood, Warrendale, Highlands, Main St, Moody St, Lakeview, The Chemistry, etc). Imagine a world filled with healthy Gospel-saturated churches who are invested in seeking the good of their city. We see a multiplying network of diverse churches in greater Boston reaching the nations.

so everyone can see the goodness, truth, and beauty of jesus...

In a world where goodness is fleeting, truth is relative, and beauty is temporary, we need something real and lasting to provide life, place, and meaning. We believe that Jesus provides abundant life, a secure place, and fulfilling meaning. And we want everyone to know and experience it.