Exodus 1 // Days of Darkness


Exodus chapter 1 establishes the difficult reality faced by the nation of Israel. At the end of Genesis, Abraham's descendants were finally safe. In this passage, they become prosperous and expand rapidly. This, however, resulted in fear and hatred from the native Egyptians, who enacted a program of slavery and infanticide against the Hebrews. By God's grace, the Egyptian Midwives intervened and rescued the Hebrew children. This sets the scene for the arrival of Israel's greatest leader, the prophet Moses.


THINKING: Questions aimed at our minds to help us understand God’s word.

  • What happened in Genesis to bring the Israelites to Egypt at the beginning of Exodus?

  • How does the current Pharaoh respond to the fruitfulness and multiplication of the Israelites? 

  • Why did God bless the midwives?

FEELING: Questions aimed at our affections to help us love God.

  • God’s faithfulness to keep his covenant and promises is a major theme of Exodus. How do we already see God’s faithfulness in chapter 1?

  • We see that God’s covenant promises for his people are ironically accomplished in the midst of oppression. What are some other biblical examples of this?

DOING: Questions aimed at our hands to help us live for God (Personally, Communally, and Missionally).

    • Think about a time when you had to make a difficult decision (like the midwives). When you made that decision, who did you fear more, man or God? How do you think that affected the outcome?

    • Where have you seen God’s faithfulness to his promises in your life? How can remembering this help you in daily life and times of oppression or hard times?