Abide in Jesus (John 15:1-17)


TEXT: John 15:1-17
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Do you ever feel like living the Christian life is difficult and burdensome? Trying to live for Jesus in our own strength is a sure way to burn out and grow discouraged. In this passage, Jesus teaches us that he is the source of power for a life of obedient joy. Abide in Christ and you will bear much fruit and experience full joy. We encourage you to read ahead, pray, and prepare your heart to hear the word of the Lord


Questions aimed at our minds to help us understand God’s word.

  • This passage provides the 7th and final “I am” statement of Jesus. In these statements, Jesus uses metaphor to teach truth about his identity. What are the previous 6 “I am” statements? 

  • What does “I am the true vine” communicate about the identity of Christ? Summarize his teaching in one sentence. (For Old Testament Background see Isaiah 5:1-7, 27:2-6)

  • According to John 15:8, how do people glorify God and prove their allegiance to Jesus?

HEART: Questions aimed at our affections to help us love God

  • Chapters 14-17 are called the Farewell Discourse- Jesus’ final teaching to his disciples. According to 15:11, what is the primary reason for his teaching? 

  • How does this reason expand your conception of Jesus and what it means to follow him?

  • Read verses 9-11. Does Jesus’ description of loving obedience challenge your understanding of what it means to obey God? If so, how?

HANDS: Questions aimed at our hands to help us live for God (Personally, Communally, and Missionally).

  • What are some practical ways to grow in abiding in Christ? (See verse 7)

  • What are the major challenges you face that can pull you away from abiding in Christ in everyday life?

  • How can we practically help one another remain in the love of Christ?