
Romans 3:9-18 // Total Depravity

Romans 3 provides an honest and brutal assessment of the human condition. According to Paul, we are not merely decent people who sometimes do bad things. Instead, we are wretched sinners who have turned away from God. It is essential for God’s people to understand the bad news of depravity so we can properly grasp the good news of Christ’s redemption.

Romans 12:17-21 // Overcome Evil with Good

We close our study of Romans 12 with verses 17 through 21. Paul’s final notes on living a transformed life focus on how to respond to evil and to live at peace with others. Let us take all that we have learned through Romans 12 and being transformed by the renewing of our minds, present our bodies as living sacrifices, bearing the marks of a true Christian in a fallen world.

Romans 12:15-16 // The Distinguishing Marks of Humility

In Romans 12:15-16 Paul writes, -"Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep. Live in harmony with one another. Do not be haughty, but associate with the lowly. Never be wise in your own sight." Paul teaches us to consider what it means to live with one another in harmony and humility.

Romans 12:12-14 // How To Live Under Pressure

Paul continues to command the Christians in Rome (and us) to live a gospel transformed life. As Christians who live under the constant pressures of a fallen world, we can continue to express the love commanded of us in verse 9 through prayer, patience, generosity, hospitality and blessing which flow out of us in response to Christ’s loving us and sacrificing for us first.

Romans 12:9-11 // How To Love

The Apsotle Paul has laid the foundation for our transformation (the mercies of God in verses 1-2). He has called us to serve one another humbly with the spiritual gifts we have been given (verses 3-8). In verses 9-11 he begins a long list of characteristics that mark the Christian life as we seek to serve one another. First and foremost on this list is love. In order to live lives marked by God's transforming grace, we must love one another with fervency. After all, we have been fervently loved by God in Christ.

Romans 12:6-8 // Spiritual Gifts

In verses 6 through 8, after exhorting the audience to offer their bodies as living sacrifices, to be transformed, to practice humility and compared the church to the human body with no insignificant part, Paul discusses spiritual gifts. These gifts come from the Lord, therefore none can boast and are given for the benefit of the body. We need the diversity of gifts in our church body to thrive and serve the Lord well.

Romans 12:4-5 // The Church

In verses 4 and 5, after exhorting us to view ourselves rightly, Paul encourages us in how to view other believers, as other parts of the body that we serve in. Our gifts and service are not meant for our personal fulfillment but for the impact and growth of the community of believers. We are one body in Christ, we belong to him and to each other.

Romans 12:3 // The Pathway to Humility

With verses 1 and 2 as the foundation, Paul begins to exhort Christians to live in a transformed way. What Christian characteristic is foremost according to Paul? Humility. In this short verse, we see that the pathway to humility is a proper understanding of grace, a proper mindset regarding self, and leads us to humbly serve others with our God-given gifts.

Romans 12:1-2 // Living Sacrifice

This passage calls us to be “all in” for God. Paul encourages believers to be living sacrifices and to fight against fitting into the mold of the world. As believers we are accepted by God through mercy and are set free to live as living sacrifices and in a countercultural way. Thank the Lord!