Exodus 6:10-7:13// The Battle Belongs to The Lord


After sensing defeat after Pharaoh's refusal to acknowledge God and let His people go, God re-establishes his promise to deliver and to defeat the King of Egypt. The battle between God and the false gods of Pharaoh begins here as Aaron's staff devours the serpents in Pharaoh's court. Soon, the battle will come to full fruition when God brings plagues against Egypt. The repeated message is this: God will defeat his enemies and rescue his people. That message comes to full fruition in Jesus Christ - who devoured Satan, sin, and death by his death and resurrection. The battle belongs to the Lord.


THINKING: Questions aimed at our minds to help us understand God’s word.

  • Why is there a genealogy in the middle of chapter 6? Is it complete? What is its purpose?

  • In Exodus 7:8–13, in order to validate his and Moses’ message before Pharaoh, Aaron casts down his staff so that it becomes a serpent. Earlier this same sign had caused Israel to believe (see 4:1–5, 30–31), but here Pharaoh refuses to listen and believe. What do these different responses reveal about the effectiveness of miraculous signs for bringing about faith?

FEELING: Questions aimed at our affections to help us love God.

  • Despite God’s reassurances after Moses complains, Israel still does not believe (6:9). Nevertheless, the text repeatedly emphasizes that God continues to command Moses and Aaron to proceed in carrying out his redemption of the people (6:10–13, 26–29; 7:1–2). What does this show us about God’s prerequisites for those whom he chooses to save?

  • In 7:1-7, God reaffirms and repeats his plan to Moses, how does this encourage you as you try to follow the Lord’s call on your life?

  • Why does God harden Pharaoh's heart? How does this magnify God’s grace to Israel, to us?

DOING: Questions aimed at our hands to help us live for God (Personally, Communally, and Missionally).

  • How have you seen God’s patience with you through your repeated failure and excuses to pursue his call for us (to love others, to share the gospel, etc? Are there any practical ways for you to pursue his call this week?

  • How can you apply God’s assurances and promises to your own life in times of doubt or difficulty?

Some Questions Adapted from Knowing The Bible: Exodus