Exodus 3 // The Burning Bush


In Exodus 3, God chooses Moses as a deliverer for his people. Moses is hesitant, but God is faithful. In response to every question or objection, God patiently shows how his presence and power will be with him. The great I AM is the true deliverer of his people. Moses’ call was to trust in Him.


THINKING: Questions aimed at our minds to help us understand God’s word.

  • Where did Moses encounter the burning bush? When else is this place significant in the story of the Israelites in Exodus?

  • Read verse 8 and then verse 10. Who is bringing Israel out of Egypt and saving them?

FEELING: Questions aimed at our affections to help us love God.

  • How does God respond to Moses’s questions in verses 11 and 13? How do these answers encourage Moses and ultimately encourage us?

  • God tells Moses that, upon Israel’s release, they will “plunder the Egyptians” (3:22). Plundering was what ancient armies did to cities they conquered in battle. According to verses 19–21, who is fighting in this battle? What does this teach us about what it means to be “warriors” in God’s army?

DOING: Questions aimed at our hands to help us live for God (Personally, Communally, and Missionally).

  • Have you ever heard the voice of God (through prayer, through reading the Bible)? How did you react? Were you similar to Moses?  

  • How did Moses respond to witnessing oppression (think back to chapter 2)? How does God respond to the oppression of the Israelites? What can we learn from each of them in how to respond to oppression and suffering in the present day?