The Fundamentals of Discipleship (John 1:35-51)

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TEXT: John 1:35-51


In this passage, we see the first disciples of Jesus begin their journey of life with him. As we get a glimpse of their stories we're brought back to the basics of what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. Discipleship is not just adding a little religion to our lives or conforming to a set of morals, it's an invitation to examine, follow, share, and worship Jesus.


  1. HEAD: Questions aimed at our minds to help us understand God’s word.

    • As these disciples begin following Jesus, they make different declarations about who him. What is the significance of each of these declarations, and how do they help us understand who Jesus is and what he came to do?

    • A repeated theme in this passage is the invitation to  “Come and see” Jesus. What does this tell us about the character of Jesus and what it means to follow him?

  2. HEART: Questions aimed at our affections to help us love God.

    • Reflect on how you became a disciple of Jesus. Which one of these early disciples can you relate to most and why?

    • In verse 51 Jesus alludes to Genesis 28:12 (Jacob’s vision of a ladder between heaven and earth). Here Jesus tells us that he is the ladder and the gateway between heaven and earth. What are some common ways people try to get to heaven (build  “ladders”) while ignoring Jesus as Savior?

  3. HANDS: Questions aimed at our hands to help us live for God (Personally, Communally, and Missionally).

    • A disciple is one who lives all of life in increasing submission to the lordship of Jesus Christ. What areas of your life do you struggle with submitting to Jesus? Why?

    • Andrew (v.41-42) and Philip (v.45)  immediately shared Jesus with those closest to them. What are some specific things we can learn from them as we seek to share Jesus with those around us?