Gospel Resource // The Gift


The holiday season provides a unique opportunity to talk about the hope we have in Christ. There a spirit of gratitude that surrounds both Thanksgiving and Christmas that leads many, religious and non-religious, to stop and think about the many blessings of life. As a church, we want to equip one another to seize this opportunity to point others to Christ. 

This is why we have provided a helpful gospel-resource this holiday season. The Gift: What if Christmas Gave You What You’ve Always Wanted is a succinct, biblically faithful, and creative way to share the gospel with your friends, family, neighbors, and co-workers. Here’s a brief explanation from the Good Book Company:

Nothing beats the feeling of giving, or receiving, the perfect gift. The most meaningful gifts we receive make us feel known, loved and valued. And when we give a gift like that, it's like we're putting ourselves in our present. And at Christmas, that's exactly what God did.

This light-hearted and lively book explores how our gift-giving traditions show us a glimpse of a giving God. Evangelist Glen Scrivener helps readers to celebrate the gift of life in a world brimming with beauty, before taking us to John 3:16 to unwrap the Christmas gift that can give us what we've always wanted, and what we really need.

How To Use The Gift

  1. Read it: At just 46 pages, you can read ‘The Gift’ in under an hour. You’ll be reminded of the gift of salvation God has given you in Christ. As you read, pray for those you know who need to hear the gospel.

  2. Give it away: The little book makes a great stocking stuffer. If you’re hosting a Christmas party, you can offer as a gift to guests. Send it to friends or family who live far away. If you are already discussing these things with non-Christians, giving them the book is another way to take the conversation to the next level. Or maybe you have wanted to be more intentional in conversation. This resource is a great starting point as well.

  3. Follow up: “I’d love to know what you think about this book. Would you be up for grabbing a cup of coffee to discuss it in a few weeks?” Or, “Our church is actually talking about some of these things right now leading up to Christmas. I’d love for you to visit this Sunday.” Whether it’s over coffee, at your dinner table, or in another setting, aim to continue the conversation.

  4. Pray: What a comfort to know that God uses our small and imperfect efforts to spread the joyous gospel of Christ to draw people to himself. Pray for yourself asking God for boldness, humility, and patience. Pray for those you are engaging to acknowledge the giver and receive the gift. 

As a church, let’s step out in faith and obedience this Christmas season and watch God work in and through us. Grab your free copies of The Gift at the resource table during our Sunday Gathering.