The Better Temple (John 2:13-25)

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TEXT: John 2:13-25

In this passage, we see one of the most shocking accounts of Jesus' life and ministry. Did Jesus actually get so angry that he drove merchants out of the temple with a whip? Yes, he did. And his words following this event are even more staggering. Not only is Jesus zealous for true worship; he also refers to himself as the temple; the place of true worship. As we study this passage, we see that true worship doesn’t primarily happen in a place but through the person of Jesus Christ. 


  1. HEAD: Questions aimed at our minds to help us understand God’s word.

    • Why was Jesus filled with righteous anger toward what was happening in the temple? What does this tell us about the purpose of the temple at the time of Jesus’ ministry?

    • What does Jesus mean when he says in verse 19: “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up”? What does this tell us about the focus of Jesus’ ministry? (Consider again John 1:14, and 1:29)

  2. HEART: Questions aimed at our affections to help us love God.

    • The use of temple grounds for personal gain was an insult to God. While we likely aren’t struggling with trying to sell stuff at church, we are tempted to use worship for personal gain. What are some ways you do this? What idol of the heart does this reveal?

    • Jesus knows that some of those who believe in him have only a superficial faith. How is this different from a heart that truly believes in Jesus? Bring in some other scripture passages about the nature of true faith (Example: Matthew 13:10-23)

  3. HANDS: Questions aimed at our hands to help us live for God (Personally, Communally, and Missionally).

  • God knew that we were incapable of proper worship on our own. So he gave us Christ who was willingly destroyed (v.19a) for our sin. But he did not stay dead. He defeated sin and death by rising from the dead (v.19b) that we may know and worship God truly through Christ, the better temple. Why is it so important for us to rehearse this gospel message continually?

  • Jesus’ righteous anger shows us that we should be vigorous against anything that hinders the genuine worship of God and quick to repent of indifference toward sin. What areas of your life currently need this holy zeal?